Characteristics of the third angel’s message – 2. A Worldwide Message

A worldwide message

The third angel’s message is not a narrow message. It is world-wide; and we should be united, so far as possible, in the manner of presenting it to the world. {HS 124.4}

This is a time for the Lord’s servants to work with undiminished zeal to carry the third angel’s message to all parts of the world. {RH, March 26, 1908 par. 3}

The most fearful threatening ever addressed to mortals is contained in the third angel’s message. That must be a terrible sin which calls down the wrath of God unmingled with mercy. Men are not to be left in darkness concerning this important matter; the warning against this sin is to be given to the world before the visitation of God’s judgments, that all may know why they are to be inflicted, and have opportunity to escape them. Prophecy declares that the first angel would make his announcement to “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” The warning of the third angel, which forms a part of the same threefold message, is to be no less widespread. It is represented in the prophecy as being proclaimed with a loud voice, by an angel flying in the midst of heaven; and it will command the attention of the world. {GC 449.2}

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