Characteristics of the third angels message – 7. The most solemn message

7) The most solemn message

The third angel’s message increases in importance as we near the close of this earth’s history. It is the last offer of mercy to the world, the most solemn message ever given to mortals. In heaven there is a record kept of the impieties of nations, of families, of individuals. God may bear long while the account goes on; calls to repentance and offers of pardon may be given; yet a time will come when the account will be full, when the soul’s decision will have been made, when by his own choice man’s destiny will have been fixed. Then the signal will be given for judgment to be executed. {ST, January 25, 1910 par. 15}
The third angel’s message is most solemn, fearful, and important. To us God has entrusted it, and we are accountable for the way we handle this sacred, testing truth. If our defects of character betray us into sins which repulse souls and turn them from the truth, their blood will be upon our garments. {15MR 242.3}

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